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Hello my strange and wonderful patrons, 

I present to you your fourth instalment in the top-secret-itty-bitty Atelier Barbette vlogs, a series in which I've used my impressive psychic powers to compile and rearrange terabytes of studio footage from Fall & Winter 2022 and marshal the resources of several Lovecraftian entities to send this data through a series of complicated spectral projection processes and create the tasty digital tidbits before you*.

(*possible hyperbole; will neither confirm nor deny the verity of this statement at this time)

In today's episode I get a bit more into the new/November-December dress research on straps, this time back in Montréal in the big, beautiful École Nationale de Cirque studio. The research session I share in this segment were conducted with the generous help of fellow circus human and A+-pinch-hitter-creative-mentor Tanya Burka (who stepped in to regularly haul my heavy butt up and down in the air on the days where William didn't have time to join), and my awesome conseil artistique, Marie-Josée Gauthier. I touch briefly on music things at the end, too.


You can look forward to your next top-secret-Barbette-vlog episode arriving in your inboxes on Monday at 12pm EST. 

In the meantime, stay strange & wonderful!  






I’m finally caught up, phew! Wow, Ess! It really has come full circle (circle skirt pun, lol). The images of the huge costume in the huge space are *stunning*!! I’m so excited for these developments for you because it feels like a perfect marriage of all the contortion and closeup movement nuance you did with Roberto (I think I remember Roberto helping here?) for the proof of concept video and all the glorious straps leveling up you’ve been achieving with William! Like serious mashup of grace and strength that if that ain’t Barbette’s whole essence, I dunno what is!


Thank you!!!! I’m glad this whole thing came back around to the dress 🤩 there’s been more effort this month to bring more contortion movement into some elements and even just tonight some new stuff clicked ….. I’m definitely gonna make more vlogs so I can keep sharing visually, I’m really starting to feel some forward momentum!