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Show Notes:

In this special episode, Jimmy and Josh give their thoughts and reactions to the Rules Committee’s most recent card bannings (and the unban!).


Major Banning Announcement - Reactions l The Command Zone #276 l Magic: the Gathering EDH

Support the show and become a Patron! Be a part of our community, receive awesome rewards, and more! http://www.patreon.com/commandzone ---------- Show Notes: In this special episode, Jimmy and Josh give their thoughts and reactions to the Rules Committee’s most recent card bannings (and the unban!). ---------- The Command Zone podcast is brought to you by Card Kingdom! Make sure to use our affiliate link the next time you purchase Magic cards or products: http://www.cardkingdom.com/commandzone Huge thanks to UltraPro (http://www.ultrapro.com - @UltraProIntl) for sponsoring this episode and providing awesome prizes for our giveaways! Find UltraPro on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltraProInternational/ Purchase a Game Knights t-shirt (available for a limited time): http://bit.ly/GKShirt ---------- Follow us on Twitter! @CommandCast @JoshLeeKwai @jfwong Email us: commandzonecast@gmail.com ---------- Huge thanks to Geoffrey Palmer for providing some of his amazing Living Cards animations for our videos. Follow him here: https://twitter.com/livingcardsmtg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuqWt79_d0hUK-dRhzFtAQ Check out our sister podcast - The Masters of Modern: http://collected.company/category/the-masters-of-modern/ Commander/EDH Official Rules, Banlist, Forums, and more: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php



sold out...both versions


I'm glad to no longer think about Iona when I play my wife's Kaalia deck with mono green elves... but I'll be sad to not have the challenge of battling/racing that win con!


Definitely agree with no bans!


Might rebuild Eight-And-A-Half-Tails. Painter's Servant is basically an extra copy of Earnest Fellowship (both allow Tails to do its job with one of its abilities instead of both). Interestingly, combining both of those cards Servant/Fellowship gives all creatures Protection from Everything.

Jordan Murphy

What about Painter's Servant and Seedtime? Thought Blue is the most common color for opponents spells on your turn as it is. I think Seedtime is an underplayed card :)

Jordan Murphy

I think banning should be very limited and cautious about what's banned, but I do think SOME cards should be banned... basically if the card too easily makes the game unplayable for other people.


finally some good bans


Mmm I don’t think the bans are worth the squeeze, they don’t personally effect me either but I don’t like restrictions in general. The unbans though, I’ve got some old jank that I play that painters servant would be funny with, not that I’d add it for just the one reason but “light of day” black creatures can’t attack or block, saved my life many times and the other is “magnetic mountain” blue creatures don’t untap, there owner may pay 4 per creature to ignore hahaha these are in my feather spells only deck


I don’t think the paradox engine ban makes sense at all. Iona is whatever, I’ve personally never played it or played against it but it seems like a very unfun card so I don’t really care either way. However if I want to dissect that a little further, by the time you are able to play a 9CMC angel without it getting countered you are probably so far ahead that you are going to win regardless. Back to paradox engine: this card is just a 5cmc artifact that does NOTHING by itself. Essentially, in a nightmare scenario where you have not ramped but hit 1 land drop a turn, by turn 5 you can play PE and do nothing else, and then it has to sit on the field for an entire pass of the table where you have to pray it won’t get destroyed. Paradox engine inherently does broken stuff, but it’s no more broken than the 2 card instant win in my buddies mono black deck. I only play PE in my derevi deck (cool to know we had the same thought process @Josh), and I could go infinite using it, planar bridge, derevi, deadeye, and some rocks, but that’s a lot of set up and I feel like if the rest of the table hasn’t dealt with that setup and they allow me to go infinite then that is their fault, not paradox being to broken. It’s an artifact, so it’s easy to get rid of, it costs 5 mana so it’s not even cheap to play, it does nothing on its own (therefore even though it’s definitely powerful I think that alone disqualifies it from being “broken” - it’s definitely not prophet of kruphix good). So without further beating a dead horse, it doesn’t make any sense to me. Also, my buddy has a krenko deck that can win on turn 5, that’s when I am (without ramp, because sometimes that happens) able to play paradox engine. But Krenko is totally fine. Makes no sense.


I may be in the minority here (no maybe, definitely), but Iona is just so oppressive. Mono color players get hosed in a way they can't escape. If you can't cast a spell...aside from artifacts, you're dead. How can you remove the thing if you can't cast a spell? I've seen Iona come out once and I was in a tri-color deck and it wasn't insurmountable because I laser focused on that person until he died, but I could only do that since I had 2 other colors. As for Paradox Engine, never used it and never played against it so *shrugs*.


Okay, so I already posted a book about my disapproval of the bans but here I now have actual proof that paradox engine is 100% not broken and definitely not ban-worthy. I figured this out by doing deck surgery on the derevi deck I mentioned earlier that, until a minute ago contained a paradox engine. The thing that my deck utilized PE to do was make an infinite loop using derevi’s ETB+deadeye navigator, allowing me to make infinite mana if I had any mana dorks or rocks out, and let’s face it, by the time you’re playing a PE you definitely have atleast one of those times in a 3 color deck. Anyways, I would use the infinite mana to activate planar bridge, tutor out any and every card in my deck, and win off of a massive attack (buffed by a cathar’s crusade or angel of the dawn) or by shimmering dwarven priest into aetherflux reservoir or being the worst and just tapping/stacking lid cannon over and over until no one has anything left to play with (not even lands). If you didn’t want to read all of that, the gist of what all the ^ means is that my deck can STILL DO ALL OF THOSE THINGS JUST SLOWER. No paradox engine no problem. The way this deck is designed is that I can get any card from any place onto the battlefield or into my hand as long as it is not exiled. If my deck can still do this without a seemingly “broken” card then I don’t think the card is really that broken. Deadeye navigator probably is though.


*one of those things *lux cannon not lid cannon


Josh, I'm very curious about where the advisory committee came down on these bans, though I understand if you can't or don't want to share details. I don't want you to name names, but was there a push from the advisors for these bans? I'm glad to hear you strongly supported "no changes." I don't think either of these cards needed to go. My views on the ban list as a whole and how it's handled is a whole tirade I won't get into here, but thank you for arguing against these, imo unneeded bans.


I have one deck with Paradox Engine in it. It’s my 9.5/10 deck. It is not overpowered in that deck, it’s a parity breaker for my stax plan. I didn’t play it in my 6/10 Breya Treasure deck. Because I’m trying to have fun playing splashier and more thematic. If the RC cared about power level they would reban Protean Hulk. If they cared about bad game states they would ban Armegeddon and Winter Orb. Banning Paradox Engine just shows that they don’t have any idea about consistency. It also shows that they don’t understand that playgroups and metas regulate themselves. I don’t play FlashHulk decks against precons, but it’s ‘legal’. But now Paradox Engine isn’t. GLHF I guess.


I can't really speak for the other members. I can only give info about what my recommendations were. You'll have to contact the others directly. I wouldn't want them to be characterizing or representing my opinions so I won't do the opposite, if that makes sense. -JLK


Josh, I agree with you and Jimmy that Iona did not need banning. Am I sad to see her go? No, not at all. Have I been able to beat Iona even when playing a mono colored deck who's color was named? Yes, consistently. I've fully ascribed to the philosophy that if something hoses my deck I just have to build in ways to deal with it, instead of complain about its existence. Thats what makes magic so fun and such an exercise in creative thinking and problem solving. This is why in every monocolored deck ive played, I include about 4-5 colorless removal cards just in case iona was played against me. Worst case scenario, nobody plays iona and they work as removal for other things. There is a frequent kaalia player in my group so this was very important for me to adapt to. I guess I can change up my decks now that I won't be seeing her though.