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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of Progress Reports!

Tifa's previous Scenario structure turned out unfeasible as I noticed an issue with the new lineup of orc male models all too late in production, so I have been forced to remake the matter in a different setting - teaser shot above being of the intro. Both scenes have been posed and await animation, which I hope to get some extra time for next week to resolve. I've managed to sort out a couple more characters as well, which will be added to the gallery officially before the next vote of any kind is carried out (Two highly requested ones in Loba from Apex Legends as well as Leliana from Dragon Age, among them), so things are moving ahead full steam after what has frankly been a few weeks of hell.

Speaking of, it appears that the payment from Patreon actually went through as it should via Paypal (after one massive, unnecessary scare), meaning I now don't have to worry about whether I can pay my bills or not, so hopefully all this bank nonsense can be put behind us as we walk with purpose towards the future. Wife's home and has all but recovered already, so we seem to have our health still with us as well, all thanks to your generous support and kind words. I really want to just focus on making this stuff instead of having life try to trip me up at every turn, and at least for now it looks like we're in the clear.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. The weather up here has turned towards an excessively moist, humid ordeal that I could definitely do without, but it seems an inevitability of how summers are these days, so it's just about grinning and bearing with it. Hope you're doing well out there, wherever you might be.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!



Ivan Tejeda

Great to hear about your Patreon situation and your wife doing better. Nothing like good news to feel motivated.


great that you have two good news for you in your personal life !