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"So when are you boys on break?"

The soldiers shared a look, eyeing the two women with no small amount of suspicion. It was a bit too good to be true, all in all, and while one of the guards on duty was trying to discreetly look for gas leaks, another was checking the dates of the rations to make sure there wasn't some kind of collective hallucination at play.

They came up short, finding nothing out of the ordinary, save for the fact that whoever locked the place up last night had forgotten to turn down the thermostat for the coming day.

Thankfully, the sweltering heat clearly wasn't only having an effect on those in uniform.


Wallpaper for this Wednesday! Scarlet occupies a bit of a special spot in my tastes, so it was high time I gave her some more spotlight - Tifa's there mainly as a means to make up for her delayed Scenario, but it was fun posing her in Scarlet's dress regardless. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. It's been a rough few weeks but with the wife safely home and already up and about, and Paypal finally hooked up to this account proper, it looks like the worst of it is over, knock on wood. The stress has been absolutely mind-numbing, but I'm starting to feel like I can finally get my focus back to work on this stuff, so I'm looking forward to getting Tifa's Scenario sorted, as well as the other upcoming content of course :)

Hope you're doing well out there folks, and take care of yourselves, and each other!




More Scarlet is always welcomed 🤤