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A fix was needed after all. Just letting you folks know, if you downloaded before this post went up, give it a redownload and all should be well. Never deploy untested code, even if it's a super tiny change x'D

There might still be issues. Apologies if so. The midnight deadline is super important though.


Dark NZ

Bug report for post-hotfixed download. Died to second wave of Pollen witch (just after TF of Jake, I know, I suck at getting the patterns down XD) But bug is that I respawned ever so slightly out of bounds and totally stuck because of it. Could move left and right, that ladder is not climbable (because it's not meant to be) and the small wall piece in the right of the tunnel doesn't let me out into the beginning of the map again XD https://www.dropbox.com/s/o8i52tj3isy8bn6/outofbounds.png?dl=0


Thanks Dark, sounds like the checkpoint didn't fire correctly. I'll look into it for next time!


Yeah I'm with you, I am not even close to passing the second wave of pollen witch -_- seems impossible

Dark NZ

I've beaten her before, I just suck at doing it consistently XD


So I'm at the one section with the generator and the three switches, and I am trying to go along with what the papers on the wall are saying but that didn't work and I've also tried every other combination with the switches to see if that would do anything and still, nothing changed. Is this just a bug or is there something I am just missing?


First, make sure that only the 'Exit' light is illuminated. Second, there's a flower pod on the right wall. When you get close to it, it'll shoot pollen at you. You need to lure the pollen spores over to the generator. When the pollen gets close, it'll suck in the spores. Once you fill up the generator, the platform will lower.


I can't figure out how to throw the eggs at the flower... any idea how to throw?