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Hi gang. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be taking a step away this month. Art might still be posted, but rest assured I'll stop the charge this month if the work doesn't meet expectation.

The reasons are personal, but suffice to say someone important to me has asked for my help and I'm gonna be there. I'll be back soon. Hope to have some good stuff for you during the wait.

Be cool. :)



Be safe, Cora! I hope that, whatever it is, it goes well without issues :)


Good luck :3 I hope your friend is ok and that everything works out. We'll miss you this month, but we'll be here when you get back :3

Jon G

Thanks for the clear communication, hope all goes as well as it can.


Yes, I think you need to help others as well, besides, talented people like you are always in great demand!)


Take care, enjoy your time and be safe. <3


Sounds like you're a good friend. Good luck, & as always, thanks for the art & be well! <3

Little Napoleon

Hope everyone's ok! Don't worry about the monthly charge and take however much time you all need!


Take care of yourself Cora, I hope everything turns out well,



Edward Justice

Self Care First. Good Luck!


Been there, done that. Do good and be well.

Eli Cummings

Mental wellness should always be #1 priority.