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Download the playable preview

Well, here we are! A small section of Turn is playable! A few things to keep in mind before you play. Demo was probably not the right word for this in retrospect. Polish was important to me so this preview shows only a few things.

A) The artistic style of the game and the level of visual polish that I'm aiming for.

B) The general feel of movement which has mostly been nailed down.

C) A small amount of story and lore that should introduce you somewhat to the world of Turn.

The boss battles and enemies have been temporarily removed because the entire AI system is not at the level of polish I feel comfortable showing. Because of that, the second level is also basically unplayable in this state. This should only take you 10-30 minutes to complete.

To those of you who may be a little let down by that number and the lack of combat I would kindly remind you that this entire thing has come together in less than 2 months from scratch. Every piece of art, music, and sound has been crafted specifically for this game. Every system, every script has been written by me in a handful of weeks. We're just not there yet.

Huge thank you to ChaesyDino who's working on the bosstheme that you'll eventually hear, and MundaneRaptor who write the rest of the music and did a large portion of the sound design.

Have fun. You can leave your feedback here, and I'll also create a channel on the Discord for discussion and feedback



Adding a note on controls here since it slipped my mind. I was only able to test a handful of controllers. One is recommended, but in case yours doesn't work, the keyboard controls are WASD, E, and SPACEBAR.


5/7, perfect score. Good job on the demo :)


Couldn't get it to work or download. Good luck with it though. Will this be your long term project for Patreon going forward?


Considering the time you have spent on it, its really good already! Do you yet take bug reports? :) For some reason my movement was permanently to left, if I did not specifically press other way. No way to ever stop. Thanks for the preview anyway. I'm looking forward for more. edit: I think my controller was the problem. Once I took it off, it stopped. edit2: also didn't notice the first comment about controllers so it was likely known thing too. So ignore my bug comment and enjoy the rest!

"Thelo" Louis Paquin

This is surprisingly solid, good job. I'm very aware of how much work game dev is, and I honestly did not expect this to be a good use of your time because of that, but I'm being proven wrong. I look forward to more.


Nope, arts still coming, was just on hiatus while I put the foundations together.


As always any feedback or bug information you can give is appreciated. Thanks for checking out the game.


I have ONE request : don't forget the people who freed themselves from the dictature of apple and microsoft by making a LINUX build !


I am completely lost on how to properly download this


much less get it to work


Have you tried pressing this button circled in red here? https://i.imgur.com/WrsazRh.png


Okay that was rude Corablue...


Signed up for the art but this was a pleasant surprise. The wall jumping took a little getting used to, but once I did it was very satisfying. Professional and high quality demo, very much looking forward to more. I did notice the issue mentioned by others, when using a controller any left or right input would stick in that direction (tired on both a 360 and PS4 controller), but it worked fine with the keyboard.