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So it's been 2 more weeks. I thought we should have a status update. How are things progressing on Turn? Well, we have a 2D lighting system in place now.

It's a lot of extra work to hand paint normal maps for any sprite that uses it to get this to work, but I think it's really worth it. Check out this test scene from earlier in development that shows it off nicely.

A lot of work is going into systems that need to... exist for the demo. Things like death, upgrades and checkpoint systems are important, whereas options menus, game saving, and enemies aren't so much.

 Lots of the two weeks has been sprite work. Lots has been lighting. Some has been puzzle design. Some has been writing. I hope you guys aren't underwhelmed when this happens. The annoying thing about early dev work is that core systems need a lot of attention and actual game content trickles out so slowly. It might just be a few minutes long at first.

But what do you do in Turn? Turn is mostly a story-driven puzzle platformer. Enemies don't show up very often, but when they do, you'll be doing a lot of dodging. Monsters overpower you in most respects. Taking them out... while you're human... is an impossible task.

That's all I can think to share for now. I don't want to spoil too much. I'm so unfamiliar with the game dev scene but hopefully this looks like a month and a half of work! Hopefully it looks like fun. I guess we'll figure out in a couple more weeks. :)



Well I’m super impressed. I’m happy to support this, although I’m not contributing much:/


Really impressive stuff. I can't wait to try it.


Oh wow, that's a fast development time so far, honestly. Very exciting stuff.

Little Napoleon

Whoa, that lighting is amazing @_@


Very nice! The lighting looks good. Can't wait to play