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Turn is a videogame project that tries to tell a story in a way I've never done before. It's a game about transformations and coping with them wrapped in a platformer shell.

So this is always a really tense moment. Pencils are down and it's time to show work on a project I've been working on for a solid three weeks. Patreon is a wonderful platform but times like these are scary for me. This month marks the 4 year anniversary of the campaign. I'm reminded of how liberating it felt to be able to pursue my creative ambitions without worrying about where it would take me. As long as I had support.

Since last year I've developed a new creative ambition. The line between a creator and content can become especially fuzzy at times like these. Ultimately I think that being a fan of a person is dumb, but being a fan of a work isn't. That's why when work changes it can really shake you as a creator and completely strip you of your ego. But I had to do this for me. It's a painting I have to paint.

I tried super hard to make this demo-ready but the scope of work was just so far beyond three weeks, even with sleepless nights and crunching the entire way through. If there's interest it will be ready in February, March at the absolute latest. I wanted any demo I released to feel complete. I want you guys to share it if you want to, and that means I have to make the best possible impression.

So this is what I'm doing for now. Comics aren't done by any means. I just like telling stories. The more I thought about it the less sure I was that I was ready to draw The Cell. But this has been absolutely cathartic. I hope you'll stick around with me to see what it turns into.



Turn Preview Trailer



Oh, wow! I'm very excited by this, transformation *games* are the best!


This sounds absolutely amazing, but don't burn yourself out trying to crunch through it.

Mr Nibz

Looking good!


Frankly this looks fantastic, and your art style really shines in pixel form. I think the way things look right now this could end up having pretty broad appeal, so long as the platforming and challenge level is just right. Very much looking forward to seeing how this turns out... But do take care of yourself. If you burn out, who will finish the game? Take a steady approach and try not to stress if things don’t move as quickly as you want them to. Every game runs into hiccups along the way, after all.

Polk Kitsune

Interesting. I'm looking forward to it! Still in Alpha, I take it?


I'm eager to see how this game develops. I love the style so far. It looks like a lot of fun!


A demo in March sounds neat :)

Robert Louis Stoll

Are you running a separate crowd funder for three game or is it here through patreon? Either way I want to chip in


Holy heck this looks cool. :D


Definitely looking forward to playing the demo. Just a quick nerd question: What engine or platform did tou decide to use for your project?


Very early development, yes. Words like alpha and beta are abused these days so it's hard for me to label it that way. We should be in demo territory in a month or two if all goes according to plan.


Right here. I really dislike the idea of making multiple Patreon accounts. I hope that makes sense to everyone.

Robert Louis Stoll

Also which platform s are you looking at. Please please please don't say Epic


C# using Unity as a base. But rest assured this is no asset flip. I've done everything from scratch.


I'll distribute this myself for now. There's no real way of saying so early on. I will say that if this game does feature heavy lewds Steam is increasingly welcoming of that sort of thing.


Would certainly be fun to see what *challenges* a player might face in their decisions. I look forward to it.


It looks legit, like I would be interested even if I just saw the trailer without context. Aesthetics really remind me of Celeste and Cave Story. I am super impressed, but I am not sure I would buy the game just because video games have such a crowded market right now.


All these delays too and it still feels like a mountainous backlog. I feel you. Doom, FF7, Cyberpunk, RE3, Bloodlines, etc. Games free for patrons when it comes though.


It looks absolutely amazing! I kind of want to get my hands on it just to see the setting you made this time.


That tease in the last scene...

Little Napoleon

Wow, that is an *incredible* amount to show for 3 weeks of work @_@ It already looks very professional and polished-- fun, too! Very exciting! Thank you for taking the leap and sharing this :D


This looks neat!


This is amazing! Take as long as you like, take care of yourself, you have my support regardless of how you want to express yourself; comics, games, fucking go for it!


This looks so amazing Cora I can't wait to play it. When will there be little alpha scraps we can play with? ... also is that blue-noodle-dragon boss is like the cutest game boss since the Yoshi's Story series. It looks like a cutesy DBZ fusion between Blue and Wat's poptart-noodle-dragon.


I’m someone who follows game walkthroughs. Are you gonna show this game on YouTube when it’s ready?