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It's quite clear this pandemic is going to have a serious effect on the economy at this point. My patrons have been good to me and I have enough to get by the next month or two. You guys are going without paychecks in many cases too. I can help.

I'll still be posting this month, but I won't be charging those of you who haven't already paid. Before you tell me this is too much, don't. This is a business decision as much as it is a helping hand. I won't have patrons if people are cutting corners and I'm a drain on very important emergency resources.

Please take care of yourselves out there. See you with more art soon.


Kerrija Gryphon

However you can feel free to spread your Coravirus and TGTF us all. ;>

Jennifer Miller

I was just thinking about Cora's virus comic. I still want an epilogue where our protag is enjoying their new assets.


Cora, I'm not going anywhere until I find out what happens with Palmyra Pomeranian and the boys...err girls. Also to find out if Tabby cat is gonna end up being a father... err mother....PARENT: and which boys... GIRLS he...she ended knocking up!!! All these questions and more need to be answered in your next episodes of As The Furry World Turns (boys into girls and girls into boys)! ⚧️


I feel like I’m in a good financial situation to be able to pay my pledge to. I really want to support you after all the hard work you do, your art work and story is amazing and your even doing a really good job in starting out in game development. I would feel bad if I didn’t pay my pledge to you for all of that so that is why I ask that if you won’t charge for this month can you still offer a way that I can still support you through a payment?


Anyone who feels like they really want to can send a donation to corastream@gmail.com. I'll consider it a birthday present :P