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  • Fluid_Sim_Test1 (LQ).mp4
  • Fluid_Sim_Test1.mp4
  • Morph_Rig_Issues.mp4
  • Head Morph.mp4



Yesterday I didn't feel that well in the later half of the day and the progress was rather slow on my animations. I wrote a short comment on my Discord server that there would be no upload that day.

Day 5+6 Report:

Day 5
On day 5 I started working on more complex morphs and did some test like the head morph you can see. The flow of the change isn't perfect yet, I'll keep working on it.

Day 6
I did a lot of fluid testing today and prepared the scene for it. I'll do some minor texture changes, add a character, do a bit of camera work and then it's basically ready to render. Fluid sims are a real bitch and some higher quality ones take forever to simulate. When I get a character into the scene and crank up the resolution of the fluid as planned I expect up to a entire day to simulate that goop. Some iterations I did for testing took like 2 hours to calculate today and it was like a 3rd of the entire frames I like to simulate. Furthermore I did touch the backview TG animation a bit and added some more body movement. I'm currently re-rendering it.

Good news:
The past few days I had a shitton of back and forth with the developer of the Blender addon which adjusts the rig when I morph the bodies. If that doesn't work correctly the character starts to badly deform (take a look at the hand gif). This Saturday evening he finally managed to fix it. I wrote pages of comments and had to document everything with images and videos and still, up to today he didn't really understand the issue. >.<
The viewport performance issues I mentioned in the past seemed to be fixed now too. I could identify the issue and it was indeed connected to the rig adjustment. So basically two birds with one stone.

By focusing on transformation (which is quite complex) I established a pretty tough nut for me to crack, trying to manage one finished clip a day. That's hardly possible without sacrificing a lot of quality and I don't really want to do that. As of now I want to do the challenge at least till mid November and then most likely proceed with my Succubus project. I want to get the white male to black woman and this goop animation fully done in that time. With the addon fix I don't have to press 1000x render for one animation now at least, which is a huge relief.



Bruce W. Liu

That is some good news in the bug squishing department.


It has been nice seeing


You push yourself this past week!*

Dylan Campbell

I can’t wait to see this, there’s not enough race changes animations out there.


Hehe, I'll do the race change after the one I'm about to finish. Stay tuned. :)


Where i find the animation? i'm bronze


Not 100% sure which animation you mean but the Goo animation is currently for the gold tier.


i mean the fluid animation


Yes, that one is time exclusive for gold, I'll downgrade it to bronze/for free in the future though.