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  • TG Skin Transition New WIP (HQ).mp4
  • TG Skin Transition New WIP (LQ).mp4



I wrote originally that it could stretch into Wednesday but I meant Thursday.^^  I actually thought it was Monday to Tuesday when I wrote the post yesterday. I corrected it afterwards.

Day 3 Report:

I spent a lot of time figuring things out again and try to make them work. I reworked what I got from yesterday and changed it from white guy to black woman. I now added body hair and hair and some extra morphs (nipples, adams apple, a different female body and some other morphs which are off-screen for now). The hair has a couple stiff strands which I've to fix and there's a minor issue with the skin transition which needs adjustment. If possible I try to get to the body movement part tomorrow and conclude this animation. The viewport performance of the scene is terrible and I've to figure out how to make it faster for the animating part.
I want to stick to the skins but I'm still not satisfied with the transition. It's like the opposite from yesterday, now it's too obvious/sharp. Another option would be transitioning the skins more gradually from top to bottom for example and morph the character along. I keep this idea for another animation.
I also tried to add a bit of body movement for hair physics test purposes but the hair got unstable and exploded. I've to adjust some settings there.

To do list for tomorrow:

  • More dynamic morphing
  • Body movements
  • Minor facial animation
  • Hair and skin fixes
  • Compositioning
