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Remember: May's rewards will be delivered on June 5-6th! Don't forget to check your Patreon's private messages or and/emails.

Final page! And this is how Lady Xpray discovered her new fetish :P

In addition to streaming games, now she also streams more... arousing content in an adult version of that website when she's in the mood. What a busy girl!

Time to work on the cover and decide the next side project! I'll be posting new candidate sketches this month so we can vote what comes next, similar to how this project was chosen time ago:

And of course, there'll be new contenders!




Yeah that was fantastic. Can’t wait for what you do next!

Jebuz Cordero

I like very much what its coming on

BossMajor 345

The last page is so sexy 😍 I'm excited to see what your next project is going to be, I hope it's either option C or B

Sebastian delaBarra

woah didn't expect to see the colored version so soon! Very nice! Truly this is a happy ending! ...lol Adam, same guy in any universe.


A steamy end to a steamy comic! Very lovely work! <3

Julian Hartmann

Genetic engineers: Real life transexual busty anthro dragons, when?


A very awesome comic. I love a happy ending. And the comments in her new stream made me laugh. XD


Thanks! Don't forget I still have to add more candidate projects to that list ;)


It took me a while though! For some reason coloring this page was harder than the previous ones, but I think I'm happy with the results. Glad you like it! And yeah haha, at this point Adam will become like some kind of comic relief character doesn't matter where he appears.


Thank you! It was really fun. I can't wait to draw the cover now! :D


Haha thanks, I had plenty of fun writing those chat comments. Time to see what project comes next! :3