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Colors next! Out of all the brothers and sisters, it looks like Kha'Zak's sister got all the "beauty genes" :P

Demon girls are so fun! She might be involved in one of my potential future projects, although I still have to give her a name... something like "Kha'Lix", "Kha'Leese", "Kha'Na", "Kha'Sii"... or any other silly stuff that starts with "Kha", unless that family uses a different naming system for female demons.




I like "Kha'Sii." Seems that would suit her well ;-3. "Kha'Lix" would be her online porn name....if they have internet where they're from, lool x-3.

Jebuz Cordero

Mmmmm for any reason a like so much Kha'Lix

Sebastian delaBarra

She seems a bit of the regal type. And that hair is looking hecking gorgeous! Kinda wonder how the rest of the fam looks.

Julian Hartmann

How about Kha'Blis? Because she is bliss. In any way I'd really love to see more of her daily life. But... "All the beauty genes"? Do you say Kha'Zak ain't pretty?


Kha'Leesi! Oh, wait...

Julian Hartmann

Well, I could see her riding Xpray, Lady Xpray and Aurenn, that's three dragons. (^-^)d


Kha'Bliss sounds sweet :D Kha'Zak is pretty! But sadly he doesn't turn heads wherever he goes. His sister is the one who excels at that~


She's all about being regal, with plenty of finesse and sultriness. And thanks! I must admit her hair is one of my favorite parts :D I should doodle her whole family someday. Only 3 members have been drawn so far~


"Kha'Lixx" might sound kind of porny with that extra "x" haha. And of course! They have that thing called... Hellternet :P