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Colors! This page was fun to draw :D.

Vodka seems to have surprisingly good diplomacy skills... for someone who has much different plans in mind! However, something might lead to a turn of events... or not.



Tempest DeWolfe

Maybe I'm just a little biased, but black schlera and shark tits are just such a wonderfully magical combination.


This is amazing! I'm so excited to see Vodka's transformation, this is gonna be so good!


Oh No, she's getting s3xier

Fleur Dryke

They're both really starting to get into it


Please tell me that all of Vodka's already great assets are gonna get a nice "breeder boost". I'd love to see that swollen belly grow even more too. <3


I like Vodka's witty comment on Queenie leaking all that valuable milk outta those big, soft udders of hers, lol ^w^!

Julian Hartmann

Aw, now that it's colorized and shaded, I can see sexy Vodka breeder teeth! Wonder if there's another potential update to them. Like, will Adam's become full fledged mandibles if he hits breeder king level 3?


Those eyes are beautiful...


So if I have this down correctly, Vodka is about to transform from being knocked up, by an alpha breeder, and she's carrying twin queens, and now she's having messy fun with the current queen who has DNA altering abilities... this is definitely going to ramp up.

Sebastian delaBarra

Looks like Vodka got the upper hand in this! Something tells me her transformation will make things a little more interesting. :3c


Exactly! In exception of the last part though. The Breeder Queen has DNA altering abilities indeed, but they work only on males :3 Anyways, she's still going to suffer a strong transformation. The fact she's carrying two queens also means there's plenty of Breeder genes in her right now.


Haha thanks! Maybe Vodka is starting to care about Breeders' nourishment :P


Yes! Not a crazy huge "boost", but they'll be bigger for sure :D


Specially the Breeder Queen! All this is like a new world to her.


Thanks! I can't wait to draw the transformation process.


I completely agree. Characters with black schlera look surprisingly sexy, but it looks even better on sharks. Such a nice combo.