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Good evening my dears. 

Apologies this is a late post today. A sharp pain had found my lower side this morning so great that I found it rather difficult to not be nauseated by it.  I fear I may be developing a kidney infection based on the sgins, but perhaps this may be false conclusions. We shall see. None the less, some sketches for you all and the next page of Sword breaker! I admit I would name these files as I usually do but I have to limp my way to work this time from the pain so I have to leave way earlier than usual. 

Hey, you all stay safe now. May good health find you. <3 



No one of consequence

To be fair, that is some adorable bow wearin, such a cutie


Sony is soooooooooo cute,


You're sketches are so bloody lovable, I eat these up like candy ;w; Pidi you dapper devil you &lt;3