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Good afternoon my dears. I am not feeling all that much better from yesterday, unfortunate to admit. I had to call off work due to being unable to walk that far this time. Instead I have been laying here with a heating pad and tapping away at the mouse and keyboard with a new picture I like to call " Orwe " I think we all could use something pleasant and fun right about now. 

Chances are that I'll be seeing a doctor soon, but we'll give it a bit more time. Until then, feel free to check out the music coupled version of this picture in the downloads! I'll be on and off today tackling the next page of Sword Breaker. Keep fighting with the exhaustion. 

" I could feel my heart beating so rapidly out of my chest. I was so uncertain and she kept smiling as she took my hands in hers. They were soft. ' There's only one thing that makes a sound like that.' she laughed at my nervousness as the song of the forest began all around us. 

The others had swayed and moved within the orbs of light. It was beautiful;They all were. Before I got lost in it all, a gentle tug brought me back. ' There's nothing to be worried about. It's natural, you know, and as long as you hold my hand, we'll always be together! So try not to let go okay?'

I felt weightless, as if we could reach the stars, and we just might have too. ' Like this.' and she begun our dance.



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