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Good evening my dears! I hope you're doing alright today! Up for download and viewing is the next page of Without Compare, as well as a couple sketches! 

Having returned from the ER, I have been setup with a referral for surgery at this point. To give the gist of it, multiple cysts and a growth have developed in my lower region. While this is not the main contributor to the pain and swelling alone, it is a part of it. 

It has been determined that multiple veins have dilated and swollen as part of the condition of varicocele. Due to the swelling and fluid buildup combined with the cysts, the pain grows sharp and consistent from physical activity or being upright. 

With all this in mind, I will be further discussing this tomorrow with the hospital to see what procedures may be available. Regardless of the swift development this took, I will do my best to see this through, as I would hope any of you would in a similar situation. 

I wish you good health today my dears, and hope all will be well in your days to follow. 




I really hope you can get better, I hate having to read that you are in pain. I can't think of anything else I can say to give my support, I just wish the best for you, hope you everything improves.


Really hope you get well soon and everything will be okay again.