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Good evening my dears! I hope you're doing alright tonight! Up for download and viewing is a couple of digital works and a sketch! 

Nothing like finding a heart in cold waters to reinvigorate the spirits, especially with some inspiring music such as Chimpanji's " Dino Dino " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/chimpanji/dino-dino

An update currently with health related issues is that I am being refused to be seen without insurance at the office I was referred to. At this time I will be filing some papers to see where I stand for health coverage. This may be a drawn out process, but I will be doing my best and most likely seeking other offices to be seen to at least continue the steps forward in taking care of this. 

In the meantime, I wish you all good health and hope and am especially thankful to those of you who have given both well wishes, as well advice which is gratefully received, I assure you. 

*edit* For anyone who would wish, the following link below is a paypal donation link. I'm already grateful for the support I have here, truly I am, so I would ask nothing more from your generosity. But I will leave the link down here for anyone who would wish to leave any donations as I deal with the previous medical/lab bills. 





I hope everything goes smoothly with the paperwork and that your health improves soon. Is there a paypal donation link somewhere that we can donate at to help out at all?

Shane Wexelman

I thank you for that hope, and I'm just as hopeful myself really. I'll actually update this post with the link, and certainly not as an obligation or means to make anyone feel insisted following.