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Good evening my dears! I hope you are doing well this evening! 

Up for download and viewing is a digital piece I call " Two Spirits " as well as a couple sketches here for your viewing pleasure!

Unfortunately my condition has rapidly worsened since our last visit here. Thankfully I had managed to purchase a crutch from a thrift shop for getting around, and some prescribed painkillers to lesson the experience, but at this time I will be heading to the ER.

I hope all of you are doing okay, and that your night/day carries on well. I'll check back in as soon as possible with some updates on what to expect.   




I’m so sorry to hear that. Hang in there, I really hope you get better soon. I wish I could say more but I really don’t know anything else that could help.

James R

As a handicapped person it greatly saddens me to hear that you're in enough pain to both warrant pain medication and a crutch to assist with your getting around and I hope you'll recover soon and that the medication helps mitigate the pain for you. If I may give you some advice, however, if it seems like the crutches are going to be necessary for the foreseeable future I HIGHLY recommend getting a set of lofstrand style crutches; they're much more comfortable to use and won't risk irritating or injuring your shoulder in the same way a traditional crutch will (plus as an added bonus they'll increase your upper body strength over time).