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Oh boy, last month was rough... so three weeks ago I tilted my head backward, and I got dizzy, like super dizzy, the world was spinning and I was puking. I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with BPPV (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benign_paroxysmal_positional_vertigo). Turns out there are these little crystals in your inner ear that help you keep your balance, but if something happens and they become loose, it completely screws up your perception. I hit my head really hard on the kitchen cabinet back in December, so I think that might have been the cause. The doctor prescribed me some medication for the vertigo and the nausea, and he told me that things should get back to normal in a month or two. The first couple of days were awful, but I'm getting better now. I still can't tilt my head and I'm taking it easy with physical activity, but I can sit down and work on my PC with no problem, so TBSP will continue as usual!

There's not much left to do in the intro, the first two scenes involve some extra characters, so that's gonna take a bit of work, but those sequences at the end are almost done, I just need to ask Pat to re-record some of his lines. 

So yeah, this is just a short update to let you guys know what's going on. I'll keep working on Night Trap this month, and I will also get started on the mini-episode! I'm not revealing the name of the game yet, but I'll be sharing more info as soon as I have some animation assets ready.



The Ferret

Daang dude! Glad it's something treatable and you're feeling better. Take it easy though and don't make anything worse. Waiting for videos is way better than finding out you woke up in a hospital from working too hard. Also cool to see how much progress you've made!


Ah, yes. The semicircular canals. Basically a biological gyroscope.

Jeffrey Bower

I had JUST had the same thing. Cracked my head off of ice and had a concussion this week. Day after the accident I tried to sit up in bed. World went spinning out of control and lost it all in the waste basket. XD Did some research and thought I may have BPPV. I went online to see if there were any exercises for it and found this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQR6b7CAiqk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQR6b7CAiqk</a> I gave it a go and within two tries my world stopped spinning! Good luck and hope you feel better soon!


Yikes. :O At least you're recovering.

Harmless Kitten

Feel better, man! Hopefully that goes away and stays away!

Paul McGlynn

Ouch. Brother, my dad got the same thing a few years ago. He went to the hospital and got some drugs for it, and he hasn't had a repeat since. Don't feel discouraged, it'll go away. (trying and hopefully succeeding at being sympathetic, not dismissive) Good luck!

Zenith Star

Good on ya for acknowledging that the phrasing could have come across as toxic positivity and actively trying not to do that!


Thanks for the tip! My doctor told me that these types of maneuvers wouldn't be much effective in my case, but if I'm not fully healed by the end of my current treatment, I'll give this exercise a try. Thank you!