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Welcome to the new year, everybody! Did you enjoy the holidays? I spent the holidays away from my PC with my old laptop, that kept shutting down and restarting at random. It never did that before, so I thought that maybe it was overheating from all the dust and cat fur that accumulated over the years, but the exhaust ports were super clean, so I don't know, I never figured out the source of the problem, I just kept saving my work every 5 minutes. It ended up being a very unproductive week... but I'm back home with my PC now, and everything is great!

So let's talk about my plans for the year! There's a couple of short TBSP episodes that I want to make. I figured that, instead of trying to rush the big episodes (which I've been trying to do for years with no fruition), I should just accept the fact that they take a long time to make, and maybe I could work on both longer and shorter episodes at the same time. Well, not "at the same time", but alternating between the projects like, for example, I keep working on Night Trap until the end February, then I switch to a shorter episode in March, finish it, upload it, and go back to work on Night Trap in April. 

But, of course, this plan only works if the short episodes are good, and I can get them done in a month or two max. The AC Replay episode only took a month to make, but that was just Luna and Celestia sitting on the couch reacting to game footage, and if all the "mini" episodes are like that, it'll get boring really fast. I could animate small scenes with more characters and backgrounds, but that takes a lot of time to make, even if they are short. The intro scene for Night Trap is around 2 minutes long, but I've been working on it for two months... it takes a lot of time to make this stuff. So the only option I see here is to change the animation style for these shorter episodes. A style that is different and easier to animate, but still is charming and funny. I know that it sounds a little bit crazy and I understand if you guys are skeptical about this, but I just want to try something new. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to animate more TBSP in a shorter amount of time without sacrificing the quality or the comedy, and this seems like the best way to do it.

I'll share more info about this mini-episode in February, and I'll be back later this month with another Night Trap update. Gotta get that intro scene finished, BoJack is getting on my nerves!




I'm optimistic.

The Ferret

Do what you need to do man. Your stuff is cool as heck and I'm confident any style changes you try will be stylin.


No rush dude, your stuff is always worth the wait!

Harmless Kitten

Do whatever you want/need to do, man! We'll still be here!


Take your time man I'm still in mourning after the Best Friends broke up.