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- "Haydee can't suck cock."
   It took a while for me to decide who would be good for Haydee. I believe I have chosen the right person for her. It will be about a week to get all of those voice lines. I am still talking with someone for Amanda's (Futa babe) voice. We are trying to find the right voice for her at the moment. It will be a week, and some days before I get all of the voice lines back. Once I get those back. It will take me some time to line up the animation to the voice, and do all of the clean up. The clean up will take the most amount of time. I would also like to give my sound designer the time they need to do a good job.

  I don't like to set dates for any of my projects, but I would like to have this project out in the middle of October. 

  I also did a few renders of these two... Trying to set the tone of the project, and also play with some potential clothing options.

-"Haydee pounded"

     This is my main focus at the moment. I have all of the loops completed, but they all need a lot of clean up. Over the next week I will be adding the transitions. Hopefully I can get all of the transitions done, and do a bit of clean up by the end of the week. If so I'm planning on finding a voice actress for the Futa... I believe the voice actress that I have for Haydee will be fun to work with, and will bring Haydee to life in a way that I see satisfactory. If everyone enjoys her performance. I have no problem working with her again. 

  I want this project to be done by the end of October, but I really don't know. 

   Played with actually making a scene on this one. Using various prop packs, and other scenes that I have. Working mainly on doing some good lighting... Still needs work.

    -With you guys backing me, and giving me the confidence to take my time. I don't really want to rush any of these projects. They aren't perfect by any means, and never will be, but I am trying to the best of my ability to make them good. With that being said I don't want to spend to much time on a project. 

  Thank you for the support.

ps... All images are uploaded to the mega folder.



This will be the last update until I send "Haydee can't suck cock" off to sound design. I plan to share parts of the animation with the voice in it to get a judgement on what you guys think.


that and so sexy i really like that haydee panties thanks you


What happened to your twitter :O?


Thank you for reminding my. I changed my @ handle from ISP_Animations to The_Icky_Sticky https://twitter.com/The_Icky_Sticky That should take you to my Twitter