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     *The "Haydee pounded" project is done on my end. I was going to have a fairly ambitious project here, but decided to scale it back by a lot. No custom voices. No transitions. Just pure dynamic loops. I was getting a lot of anxiety about the project, but doing the pose changes like I did allowed me to complete it a lot faster then I otherwise would have. I enjoyed how this one turned out. Not my best work, but really gave me a lot to think about in terms of how I want to animate moving forward. Every new set of projects is a test, and I am understanding more, and more about my current level of production.

  These are a few frames from the finished animation. Just waiting on sound now, (Shouldn't take to much longer) and then it will be ready for release.

 * "Haydee can't suck cock" is still in production. After getting the voice lines back. I found my self at odds with the animation. A lot of the lines didn't match the animation, and some of the lines in my head sounded better in my head. So I have been tweaking the lines a bit. The biggest set back is the animation itself though. All of the transition need to be reworked. As well as just overall trying to complete the animation, and make it as smooth as I can. This caused me a lot of anxiety for "Haydee Pounded". I need more practice with just animating to voices, and understanding timing in general before I plan on hiring for larger projects.
   With that being said. I am trying my hardest to get "Haydee can't suck cock"  to be the best that I can make it. That is why "Haydee pounded" was a main focus for a few days. Replacing the transitions with "camera transitions." Using props in the scene to hide the switching of poses. Allowing me to complete the animation way faster then I planned. Now my main focus is "Haydee can't suck cock."

                                                          *TECHNICAL STUFF HERE*

  *With all of that being said. I am trying to rewire my brain to understanding what makes a good porno. I wouldn't mind all of your opinions on this one.

   -What is more important? Having a clear cut laid out story? Where the characters express the dialogue? Having proper transitions in the animation? From the first minute to the end of the movie you understand the story?    This is more time consuming, and requires a wealth of knowledge, and consideration to achieve affectively.

      -Or...  This is Adult animations at the end of the day. Story isn't important at all? High quality loops with a decretive scene? Where the scene tells a story, and it takes more thinking to understand what may of happened, and what may have lead up to the events of two individuals going at it?      This way is still time consuming, but allows for more focus to be made for the naughty bits over putting time on the story.

   I personally am very conflicted about this. What do you think?

*Technical stuff- I'm sure you have seen jiggle affects from some very talented individuals out there. Some use Simulations, some use Add-ons for blender that help make wiggle bones of the rig. Others like myself like to use just the rig on the body with some shape keys.

  This allows for a lot of control over the animation, but also is the hardest to get right. Thus comes a lot of trial, an error. I've been practicing how to do this so I can animate better jiggles, and squish in the future. Both "Haydee pounded", and "Haydee can't suck cock" don't use any of the new things that I have been practicing in my free time.

This is created using just the base mesh, and is an affective way to be able to use in animations.

Fairly decent squish on a shape key. Potentially allowing for a nice dynamic tit fuck. Maybe the ability to grab onto parts of the body to allow for more realistic rough actions. Better butt/tit slaps. The possibilities are endless if I can get this to work properly.

  Another thing I am trying to learn is lip sync. With me thinking a lot about Adult Animations, and what is important to a viewer. I want those loops to be as dynamic as possible. Including full on facial animations, and realistic voice to mouth view. Close ups on the face. Maybe some naughty banter back, and forth. All for a higher quality product at the end of the day.

  These are images of some basic facial expressions.

The mouth area of the face is being manipulated by just one bone on the rig, and then you have the regular facial rig. With the single bone, and getting some decent results allows for me to use the single bone for the heavy lifting with facial expressions. Then I can go in, and clean up the animation once I get closer to finishing the animation.

  This of course may not be fantastic looking expressions, but I was able to do these expression way faster then any other expression I have ever done before. Being able to just grab the rig, and play with it is tremendous, and insanely fun to do. This is still a prototype for me, and will get better the more I play with it.

   *If you have read all of that then hopefully you can see a sliver of what I will be practicing on my upcoming projects. I still have a lot I need to share with all of you, but that is for a post on another day. "Haydee pounded" is coming soon. I don't have a release date, but I believe that by the end of this week, or early next week that will be published. "Haydee can't suck cock" may be pushed into the beginning of next month. This pains me to think about, but I still have a lot left to do on it, and also want to give my sound designer all the time they need to do a good job. We still have a couple weeks left in the month, and I am optimistic, but just wanted to be honest.

  Thank you all so much for the support, and sticking with me. Some things will be changing for Icky Sticky soon, and I can't wait to start sharing more with you guys. Thank you again, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.



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