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EEAAO is a movie that has stuck with me since I've watched it, and I've been wanting to draw a tribute to Jobu Tupaki and her amazing outfits for a long time now. 

There's a scene where she's walking in different universes and I've been wanting to draw her walking in her different outfits, but I knew it was going to take a LOT of effort to draw every outfit and figure out the animation and everything...

That said, I feel more motivated to draw her outfits because now that I've been fooling around with infographic posts I think showing her different outfits infographic-style (in addition to the walking animation) would make a sick print idea.
I didn't really want to design fashion inspired by Jobu because I was thinking of the kind of merch I'd buy myself, and I'd love to see a print of all of Jobu's outfits exactly how they appeared in the movie!

But I'll get to the infographic later down the line, starting with the walking animation first! Here's my thumbnail:


I referenced this video of Gigi Hadid walking. I was originally going to use the GIF of Jobu walking above, but you can see she takes a very large step forward and it looked very awkward when looping.

Right now I'm in the process of lining the outfits; here's what I have done.

Wrestling Jobu + Golf Jobu (her pattern will be done in color):

Goth Jobu + Goddess Jobu (Goth Jobu is missing a tulle skirt which I was gonna add in color):

And of course all her iconic makeup will be added during the coloring stage as well.

So that's 4 linearts done, and there are 10 outfits in total. The hardest part is making sure I get the details as accurate as possible - there are good quality photos thankfully, but they don't capture every angle I need. 

I've had to rewatch parts of the movie multiple times to get good references, and every time I'm reminded of how much this movie means to me, especially as an Asian-American woman. Like, it means that much to me that I'm drawing art for it even though I haven't really seen EEAAO fanart do numbers haha.... If it doesn't win any of the major Oscars I'm going to be so pissed lmao 

But ironically I can't watch the movie in full again because -- sort of spoilers but not rly? -- there's a part where a character deliberately gives himself papercuts and that always makes me wince bc I hate the feeling of papercuts so much LOL

ANYWAYS this is going to be a really ambitious project, so expect multiple process posts over the next few weeks. Here's hoping I finish this!



I was so extremely touched to receive this in my e-mail and I'm so excited for you and inspired that you're trusting your passion and creating this project even if it won't necessarily get seen. I really hope it does cause judging by what you've done already it's going to be incredible! Regardless though, seeing this type of earnest passion in any other artist is always a reminder that aside from the craft and the goals and everything else, there's that essential beautiful and to me sacred thing of inspiration that permeates through us as a human species and as artists in particular. I love this movie so much and I can't wait to see the finished animation and infographic (which ill be purchasing ty)

Mônica Mishima

AAAAHHHH I love the movie, I love her and I love your art!!