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The Inner Princess fashion collection is finally complete! The version I posted on Twitter was lower-res by accident so you get the nice hi-res version. (I learned the hard way that Twitter's drafts and scheduled posts will always save a low-res version of your images...) 

Here's Venus individually as I've shared the others individually on here. The individual posts weren't performing so well on social media, so I ended up sharing the rest as a group instead.

Although the group illustrations haven't really been performing too well either...at first I thought it was just me losing relevance, but the Pantone fashion has been performing really well even though I posted them around the same time. My guess is that people just aren't as interested in Sailor Moon and it's not very trendy right now?

So I think it's time for me to go back to trendier topics. I wanted to draw Sailor Moon fashion to represent a side of me I hadn't really tapped in other fashion series, so now that I have some Sailor Moon fashion under my wing I think I've got that side covered for now. Have been thinking about vtuber fashion or revisiting my Pokemon series.

This does mean the Sailor Moon artbook idea is on hold, although I'm hoping that hold is temporary. I still have so many ideas for Sailor Moon fashion, but given the poor social media performance of my latest SM fashion posts I think it would be better to make a Kickstarter for this artbook to properly gauge interest.

But I'll have to pursue this Kickstarter campaign after my current big project, which is...



If you like cafe or crafting games, and cute desserts and fashion, this is the game for you! 

Just a reminder that it's out and you should help me playtest it. Check out this post for more info! 


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