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<<Page 2748 -- CCXLVI. || all Chapter 246 pages 

Hector put two and two together. "Are you telling me that Morgunov is currently holding Asad hostage?"

Rasalased made no response, however.

"And you know where they are, too," Hector surmised.

"It matters little. I will not tell you something that will only lead to your own demise."

Well. Hector didn't necessarily disagree on that particular point. He might've been able to skate by with Ivan and Leo, but those were just freak accidents. There was absolutely no way in hell that he would be able to pull anything like that off again, much less against the Mad Demon, of all people.

But hearing Rasalased say all that made Hector curious about something else. "...You're actually able to see my death? That far into the future?"

"It would not be very far at all. Trust me."

"Ah..." Okay. Damn. That degree of roasting felt a little uncalled for, but alright. "Er... can you at least confirm for me that Asad is safe, right now?"

"Of course he is not safe. He has never been in more danger in his life."

Hector sighed. "You're not helping your case here, Rasalased..."

"It is an experience that he must have, else he will be unable to grow and meet me."

"Say what? How could that be true?"

"I will not lie to you. He may die. Morgunov may simply extract what he pleases from the Lion and then kill him immediately. But the reaper has escaped, and the risk, I believe, is worth it. No other opportunity may arise."

That brought a whole host of new questions to Hector's mind, but one in particular stood out. "What does Morgunov want from Asad?"

"Me, I suspect."


"Morgunov seeks that which lies beyond this world. And he believes I may be able to help him find it. This much, he has made obvious. But his intentions thereafter, I do not know. Chaos guards his mind." 


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