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And instantly, he felt an enormous shift take place.

His mind was divided more noticeably than a moment ago. He was still in the car, being carried through the sky. He could sense himself there, feel his limbs, hear the half-muted words of the reapers passing through his head.

He was somewhere else, too. Somewhere different. Deeper. Yet still tethered to himself.

Maybe this was what they called an out-of-body experience.

Hmm. Or maybe not. It felt similar to when he'd contacted Rasalased the last time, but not exactly the same. Probably because his physical body wasn't asleep.  

Or was it? Shit, this was confusing. He felt split, yet whole. Near, yet far.

And the Shard. It was in his hand, yet all around him. It pulsed with life, reverberating like a heartbeat. Like his own heartbeat.

"Young Hector," came that familiar voice.

Chapter Two Hundred Forty-Six: 'O, drowning Sand...'

"Rasalased," said Hector. "Finally. I've been trying to reach you for days now."

"Yes, you have."

That response gave him pause. "...Have you been avoiding me?"

"Yes, I have."

"Why? You know what's happening out there, don't you? You must!"

"Because terrible though it may be, I knew you would seek to interfere, had I warned you."

Hector took a moment to think about that. "You think I would've run in to fight Morgunov like some kind of moron?"

"No." The Dry God allowed a beat to pass. "Then again, perhaps, yes. But that is not the only reason I wished for you not to interfere."

"And what does that mean?"

"Morgunov, as you call him, may be exactly who the Lion needed to encounter."


"It is difficult to explain."

"Yeah, it sounds like it! But I'd like to you try, anyway!"

"You must promise not to go after the Lion, Young Hector. There can be no victory if you do." 


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