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Hector's thoughts were racing. Morgunov was after Rasalased? Worse news, he could hardly imagine. "What do you intend to do?"

"The only thing that I can. Wait."

"Are you kidding? You plan to just LET Morgunov find you?"

"As much as he seeks to use me, I too seek to use him. There is much I may be able to learn from such an experience. Which is not something I can often say."

Oh god, what the fuck? "But you have no idea what he'll do to you!"


"And--there's still Asad! He's--!"

"Yes. This will be difficult for him."

Hector couldn't believe what he was hearing. Rasalased sounded so cold. So matter-of-fact.

But maybe he shouldn't have been surprised. In their first encounter, sure, Rasalased had made a favorable impression upon him. He'd seemed a little mixed up, but Hector's overall feeling was that the Dry God ultimately wanted what was best for everyone. For him. For the Sandlords. For the Rainlords, too.

Was it really that straightforward, though? Were people always as uncomplicated as that? What about "gods," then?

Rasalased barely even seemed human now. What did he really want, Hector wondered? Being trapped in the Shards like that--what could he want? It wasn't like he was devoid of all desires or anything, right? He'd "wanted" to help Hector before, seemingly.


"...You are disappointed in me," said Rasalased.

Was he? Perhaps he was. "I'm just... trying to understand you, is all."

"It is not through safe journeys and easy trials that great deeds are achieved, Young Hector."

Hector still didn't like what he was hearing, but he tried to listen carefully. "...Okay. But what 'great deed' are you trying to achieve, then?"

"Me? Nothing at all. My only aim is to help others do thusly. My time has long passed."

"...Time is not time, Rasalased."

And for a while, the Dry God remained quiet. "Heh. Perhaps so."


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