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Hector hoped they would be able to find a solution to this problem soon, because trekking up and down these stairs every day was kind of obnoxious.

Plus, it wasn't exactly friendly to the disabled or injured. That wasn't a big problem at the moment, but Hector wanted to prepared if it ever was.

Little Ramira Elroy had been something of a warning, in that regard. Her foot had been wounded back at Dunehall, and she'd been on the mend ever since. Luckily, she was small enough for Zeff or even Marcos to carry her up or down the stairs without any trouble, but seeing her roam around on her tiny crutches had caused Hector to imagine much worse scenarios.

Warrenhold was supposed to be a place of safety, after all--and the Tower of Night, the safest building. There might very well come a day where they needed to take in a large number of injured people. Sure, they could be placed in the other towers--and probably would--but what if this place ever came under siege?

The more he'd thought about it, the more important the Tower of Night seemed.

The other seven towers all had nightrock inside them, too, but only in small amounts--a single, black chamber in the heart of each building, to be precise. The rest of their stone, while still not entirely normal, was at least malleable. The new elevators in the Entry Tower had been especially welcome, since that was the tallest of all eight towers.

Their current destination, the Bell Tower, would soon have working elevators, too.

Renovations on it were coming along pretty well. The first floors were pretty much down, and it was turning into quite a handsome building. The light gray stone here now looked quite pristine, and the edges of each room had been lined with a dark walnut wood that provided a pleasing degree of visual contrast, Hector felt. 


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