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The reapers for the dispatched teams were almost always gathered together in order to share information with one another and relay it back to their respective servants on a moment's notice. They'd swapped between various gathering spots over the last few weeks, but their most recent one was here on the Bell Tower's second floor.

When Hector and Lynn arrived, Lynn paused in the open doorway, seemingly surprised at the sight before her. She'd donned her Hun'Kui made goggles and was therefore able to see all of the reapers clustered together like nowhere else in Warrenhold.

Hmm. Hector wondered if he shouldn't be showing her this. She was obviously going to wonder what they were all doing.

Eh, it was fine. Lynn was trustworthy, and she still couldn't hear anything the reapers were saying, anyway. There was zero risk of her accidentally compromising one of the missions.

There were four circles, one for each team, but the reapers were still occasionally intermingling with one another. As Hector understood it, they all wanted to stay up to date one the status of each others' missions. That seemed needlessly confusing to him, but apparently, the reapers didn't feel the same way.

So essentially, the reapers for the Vantalay team knew everything that the reapers for the Qenghis, Ardora, and Sair-scouting teams knew--and vice versa. They claimed that it was because there was always a slight chance that one mission might somehow affect another or that something learned in one part of the world might be useful to pass along, but Hector didn't entirely believe that.

He thought it a lot more likely that the reapers just wanted to know everything going on, because that was how reapers were.

And of course, with the developments in Sair, they had plenty of extra reason to be interested in what the scouting team had to report. 


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