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At first, Hector thought it was just too much of a problem for a normal construction company. He thought maybe he would be able to find a servant-run company that could deal with the nightrock; but now, after letting the Rainlords assist in the reconstruction effort for quite a while, he was starting to wonder if even that was doable.

Thus far, none of the Rainlords had been able to put so much as a dent in the Tower of Night.

It was a bit of a delicate situation, though. Since there were so many people currently living in Warrenhold, there was understandable concern about using too much power and accidentally hurting someone with flying debris.

When news of the continental war broke, they had been in the process of organizing for a new, more ambitious attempt at breaking through the nighrock, but that had since been indefinitely postponed. The most powerful servant at their disposal, Melchor Blackburn, had been a key part of that plan, and he was now in Vantalay, along with several others who would've proven very helpful in mitigating damage.

All in all, though, it was pretty shocking.

When Voreese first described nightrock to Hector and Garovel, she had made it sound tough but not this tough. She'd mentioned that it would require someone on the level of Harper Norez to break through it, but this was far beyond that, Hector felt. Harper was a powerful Lieutenant General of the Vanguard, yes, but Hector was reasonably certain that there were several people here among the Rainlords who were stronger than him.

And yet the nightrock had bested them all.

So far, at least.

After talking to Voreese about it again, she expressed surprise as well.

'Huh,' she had said. 'This stuff seems a little sturdier than I remember...


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