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"Y-you don't seem uptight," Hector tried.

Lynn just gave him a flat look.

Yeah, she didn't believe him. Hmm. Maybe he could turn this around on her, though. "...Why does the Queen think that you're not getting enough rest?"

Lynn put her eye forward as they descended the dark stairs. "I don't know."

"...You sure about that?"

"What are you implying?"

"I'm just wondering if you actually are getting enough rest," said Hector.

"Hmph. You're one to talk."

"Maybe. But I'm also undead. You're not."

"I'm fine."

"...Really? You're not pushing yourself too hard with your training?"

"Of course not. I know my limits."

"I don't know. I'm inclined to trust Her Highness' judgment on this one..."

She snorted. "Are you seriously trying to use the Queen against me?"

"You need your rest, Lynn."

"What're you, my mother?"

Hector snickered. "Oh, there's an idea. Maybe we should give her a call. See what she thinks."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's no need for threats."

A related thought occurred to Hector. "Were you able to try out the hot springs when you were here with the King?"

"Oh, no, the renovations weren't done yet. Are they finished now?"

"More or less. They still need some final touches, but they're functional now, at least. If you're supposed to be relaxing more, then you should give them a try."

"That does sound pretty nice. And I'm curious to see what they look like, too."

They kept talking as they made their way down, which was quite a lengthy journey, because the Tower of Night was still lacking one important feature.


Of Warrenhold's eight great towers, the Tower of Night was the largest and most secure by far. That was thanks entirely to the nightrock from which it was built.

But unfortunately, the strength of the nightrock also made it incredibly difficult--if not impossible--to work with in renovating the place.


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