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<<Page 2725 || all Chapter 244 pages 

And now that he was thinking about it, that was a pretty good excuse to flee this conversation. He needed to go tell the Vantalay reapers about this critical piece of new intel. Yeah. Putting it off for even a moment longer wasn't wise. The Rainlords could be fighting Croll this very second, and this could be the information they need in order to turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Definitely. That was pristine logic. Not motivated reasoning at all.

"I should go tell Arumoro what you just told me," said Hector, straightening his back and looking toward the staircase down the hall.

"Who's Arumoro?" said Lynn.

"Oh, uh. He's a reaper whose servant may, uh... benefit from what you just said."

"Really? I thought reapers knew pretty much everything already."

"Ah. Heh... well, they certainly act like they do." He started ever so slightly turning his body to leave. "It might be a time-sensitive situation, so I shouldn't delay..."

Lynn nodded understandingly. "Oh, okay. Let's go, then." And she took a step closer.



She intended to come with him.


He supposed he could play up the mysterious, need-to-know-basis thing again, but... aw, fuck.

Wait, no, there was something better. "I-is it okay for you to leave the Queen's side?"

"Ah, no, I'm off the clock, technically. She told me that I should try and relax while we were in Warrenhold."

"Wow, uh, really?"

"Yeah. She seems to think I don't get enough rest or something." She started moving ahead of him, as if to urge him along, and he figured that he couldn't justify standing around like a stump, anymore.

This had not gone as planned. Now they were just walking together.

"Hey, tell me something," said Lynn. "Do I seem like an uptight person to you?"

Oh, boy. "Uh..."


"Er, what?"

"Do I seem uptight?" she repeated, more slowly this time.

"Ah, I mean... n-no?"

"Hector, that wasn't convincing at all." 


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