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There had to be something he could talk about. Wasn't he always feeling like he was juggling a billion different things? He could just pick one and go from there, couldn't he?

Or could he?

What if it was boring and just led to more of this shit?

Oh no.

Oh shit.


No, he shouldn't talk about himself. He should ask about her. That was way smarter, right?

"S-so how's your family doing?" he blurted. There was nothing smart about this at all, was there?

"Oh, um, they're doing well. Thanks for asking."

He nodded again.

"I bought my mom a new sword a couple weeks ago. She, er, collects them. It's kind of her hobby. And mine, I guess. But, um, she really seemed to like it. It was an ancient Melmoorian warblade. Or a modern recreation of one, I should say. Heh, a real one would be, like, insanely expensive. And probably be in a museum. Um..."

Hector listened like she was giving a lecture for an upcoming exam that he really needed to pass.

She trailed off, though, having perhaps grown uncertain if he cared about a single thing she was saying.

Hey, that was one of them social cues, wasn't it? He needed to say something here and let her know that he actually was interested in the conversation.

No sweat. He knew just what to say.


Something to do with swords...

Aw, fuck, dude, c'mon!

"Uh--h-have you ever heard of something called the Sword of Unso?" Oh god, was that right? It wasn't, was it? He should've just said something simple and reassuring.

Lynnette blinked at him with her one eye. "You mean from mythology?"

"Er, yeah... I think. Do you know much about it?"

Her singular gaze drifted up and left. "Um... it's been a while, but yeah, I remember reading about lots of mythical swords when I was younger. They're pretty fun to imagine." 


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