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"Right," said Hector hesitantly. "Because... it's not... real..."

She paused. "What's with that tone? Are you trying to tell me that the Sword of Unso is real?"

"Well, I mean... yeah, I'm pretty sure it is."

She just returned a blank expression with her mouth slightly agape.

"At the moment," Hector went on, "it's supposedly in the possession of a really dangerous guy named Thaddeus Croll. Also known as the Killer of Krohin."

Her eye drifted away from Hector's face. "I... huh... it never occurred to me that all those legendary blades might actually exist..." Her head snapped back to Hector. "Why do you know so much about the Sword of Unso's current whereabouts?"

Hmm. Was it okay to tell her about the treasure hunting mission in Vantalay? Probably. But...

It wasn't just his secret, now was it? If it was his own safety on the line, he would've been happy to tell her everything, but he was also mindful of the team's operational security, too. Lynnette was obviously trustworthy, but he still wanted to be exceptionally cautious.

If word ever got out that the Lord of Warrenhold was actively hunting rare artifacts of power around the world...

Well, that seemed like the kind of thing that could bring a lot of trouble down on his head from some very dangerous parties.

"That's... kind of a sensitive subject," said Hector.

She frowned. "Hmph. You've gotten a lot more mysterious lately, you know that?"

He didn't know what to say to that.

"I mean, you were always quiet, but now, it feels like you have all sorts of secrets."

Well, she wasn't wrong. He still didn't know what to say, though.

Her frown twisted up into a half-smile, and she breathed a quiet laugh. "It's kind of annoying, is what I'm trying to say."

That pulled a small laugh out of him in return. "I, uh... I wish I could share more with you." 


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