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For a moment, Hector just stood there, looking at her. "Ah... sure..."

She retracted her hand. "Um. Later, I meant. Not right now. You're probably tired, aren't you?"

He didn't know what to say. Garovel was talking to the Rainlord reapers and seemingly not even paying attention to him.


He was tired. Not anymore, though. Should he tell her that? He should, right? He didn't get many opportunities to talk to her, after all.

Oh god, he wasn't prepared for this.

"...Hector?" she said, giving him a sidelong look. "Are you tired?"

"...Are you?" Shit, what was wrong with him? He'd learned that strategy from Garovel--how to answer questions he wasn't sure about by just repeating them back at the asker--but now was not the time. It was totally unnecessary.

"Um. Not really, I suppose. But I'm accustomed to guarding the Queen while she sleeps."

He just nodded stupidly.

Now Lynn also seemed like she didn't know what to say, anymore.

Well, fuck.

They were already quite high up the Tower of Night. The Queen's designated guest room was only one floor above his own quarters. He was trying to remember the layout of the Tower and failing. These floors were huge. He was certain there was a common area where they could go to talk. Nearby. Somewhere.

Fucking fuck.

They ended up just kind of standing there in middle of the big, open hallway.

Where did everybody go? When did it get so empty in here? Should he call Garovel for help?

Oh, man.

"Oh!" said Lynnette suddenly. "Madison asked me to talk to you about something a while ago. What was it, ah...? Er..."

"Madison?" said Hector. "You mean Madison Reach? Lord Dimas' girlfriend?"

"Yeah. She wanted Gina and I to ask you about sending someone out to investigate some kind of shady group or something..." Lynn rubbed her neck. "I kinda forgot..."

"The Andalero group," said Hector. "Yeah, Gina mentioned it."

"Oh. Um. Okay. Good."

And the awkward silence returned. 


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