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Hey everyone! A new version with quite a few new things is finally here.

Highlights include:

  • Static hit recoils are implemented again. They happen when you stand too close to an object and hit it. Whether the recoil happens or not depends on the material of the object, the Precision.esp contains a list of materials that will cause a recoil. Bear in mind the current vanilla animations are too long and punishing, eventually custom animations by MikeNike will be included once they're finished.
  • Hitstop + camera shake. While I think dTry's Stop On Slash is a very good mod already, I've always planned to add my own take on hitstops to Precision. It does things quite a bit differently internally, the camera shake used is custom (smooth sine-wave based) instead of the jarring vanilla one. There are also diminishing returns so sequential hitstops done by the same attack are progressively weaker, so you don't get awfully slowed down when hitting multiple targets. Let me know if you think the default configuration values should be changed.
  • I figured out how to handle dual wield movesets correctly. As long as the animation has a weaponLeftSwing event, it should be handled properly. Left handed collisions should also use the correct attack data now. I can't do anything about hand to hand movesets that don't use weaponSwing/weaponLeftSwing events.
  • Many random fixes have been done, no point in listing them all out while the mod is in alpha. Animation freezing in race menu, targets flying away on kill (there's a new setting that can disable the accurate impulse on hit and fall back to the vanilla death force), the player bumping away others (or themselves) during paired animations or mounting a horse, sweep attack perks are now ignored correctly, some active ragdoll changes have been done that hopefully might eliminate the rare hit impulse freakout. I've also changed some default MCM values.
  • I've also worked on an API for Precision so other mods can plug into this and affect the hits/collisions or act upon them however they want. It's not finished yet, but major work has been done. In the future I might create a locational damage plugin based on the API.

Thanks for being here! Remember to report any issues you find, and please include a crash log if you crash (though hopefully all crashes should be eliminated now).



Noticed fromsoft games have some shake for colossal weapons even when swinging just air. Would an option for this be feasible to implement? I know creating mods is time consuming af, but just throwing the suggestion here.


Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble launching my modlist with precision installed due to the fact that I'm launching through skse_loader.exe and not skyrimvr.exe in MO2. Any way I can resolve this?


Yeah it's doable, dTry is probably going to incorporate the camera shake into his Payload Interpreter so various shakes can be added there along with vfx etc.


Hey, um, what do you mean? The mod won't work on Skyrim VR. Also launching with skse_loader through MO2 is the usual way so I don't see how it could be a problem


Hi Ersh, I downloaded your mod and loves it so much, but could you help me sir? I'm using Precision 0.4.0 with maximum carnage gore mod and Violens 2.30. one of Maximum carnage's feature is that makes gore effect during killmove. when I using Precision 0.3.2 it worked great. but after update to 0.4.0 the gore effect doesn't work. I found that when I disable attack collisions in MCM the gore effect worked again. Weird thing is normal killmove works fine. but if disable VATS through Violens, gore effects won't work. I don't know what the hell problem is... no clues, no solutions. The only way to fix is disabling Precision but OMG I love your mod so much that I don't wanna lose it. Could you help me to fix this? sorry for my bad english.


got the same ctd twice https://pastebin.com/DB3YyNyS


I've asked someone I know that is using Maximum Carnage and they said Maximum Carnage works as well as it did back in 0.3.2. Not sure what went wrong on your side.


AE Compatible?


Any tutorial on how to instal ? amazing work btw


Is it possible/worth it to have separate hit impulse settings that only affect the player's melee attacks in first person? I've noticed that first person attacks seem to have a significantly lower impact/force (don't know the correct term) than third person. E.g. if I'm attacking an NPC in first person, my hits when they land look like a 3/10 force reaction from the NPC, but if I immediately switch out to third person the hits look like a 6/10 force reaction from the NPC. All other NPCs hitting each other all look like 6/10 in either first or third person. Not demanding it/expecting it, but if it'd work and be easy to do, it could be cool for folks like me who do combat exclusively in first person. EDIT: to be clear, I mean an option so players can leave all other attacks' hit impulse forces default or whatever setting, but individually change only first person player's attacks' hit impulses. If there's tedious but very beginner-friendly and straightforward work I could do to help on this feature, let me know.


I noticed that 1st person misses a lot. I have to look up a bit to contact. I also noticed that modded creatures are impossible to hit in 1st person. Any suggestions are welcome. I use CGO btw. But as stated NPC's seem to have no issue.


Sorry, I missed the comment. I don't think there's any tutorials yet, it's a pretty basic SKSE/Nemesis mod, same process as stuff like TDM (except this one even has a fomod)


Does not pair well with "Immersive First Person View." When in first person view the camera spazzes out and goes in and out.


Does No Follower Attack Collision work on this?


No, the melee functionality of NFAC is fundamentally incompatible with this plugin because the function calls it hooks aren't used at all with Precision. I'm adding a similar feature in an update that I'll finish up very soon.


Hmm that sounds weird, but IFPV is kinda unsupported nowadays (no AE version etc) and the Improved Camera is being updated.


Hi Ersh, quick question: even with Precision 0.4, I'm getting two identical damage numbers (as reported by Floating Damage Numbers) when I dual wield attack with weapons having two different damage values. I was wondering if this means the animations I'm using don't have weaponLeftSwing events in their annotations?


I'm not sure. Can you send me that anim so I can debug what's going on?


Sure, it most recently happened when I was testing this moveset: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71775/ However, it also happens with Mofu's Dual Wield animations (converted from AMR version to MCO; wanted to mention this in case it could be an issue related to the SkySA-to-MCO converter), and I believe with Anchor's Dual Wield MCO animations, but I haven't tested that in a little bit. If you need me to send you files (or annotation files, since I don't know Mofu's/Anchor's policies on redistributing the actual anims) directly, let me know, and I'll hit you up on Discord.


Thanks! If this is happening in that moveset you liked it should be enough. I'll see what's going on. It's possible I messed something up after all.


So I am using Dual Wield with Elder Souls and two enchanted weapons and both enchantment effects are applied, so LeftSwing events should be properly respected I think?


Cool, sounds good, thanks for sleuthing this out!