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Hey! Some nice things in this update:

  • New setting (enabled by default) that uses the actual weapon mesh's length for the collision length. This means the weapon reach stat doesn't do anything, which is why the option can be disabled to revert to the previous behavior.
  • The attack trail now uses the weapon mesh's length for its size so it fits the weapon much almost perfectly. This can be disabled as well to revert to previous behavior, where its size was derived from the actual collision's size.
  • The weapon mesh's length is also used as an additional check for collisions with non-actor targets. This should eliminate some collisions with the ground during an attack, although if the weapon visibly collides the collision will still happen. (This is disabled in first person because it felt like your reach is too short)
  • A few tweaks and fixes to default MCM values. Some of the settings didn't work at all.
  • Some tweaks to the ragdoll impulses.
  • Stability fixes



Man, this is probably one of my favorite mods ever for Skyrim. Super awesome what you've done here. I've got an idea for it, though I'm not sure if it's reasonable or not. Not program savvy at all, so bear with me if I sound like an idiot, and this would be super complicated to do. But now that weapons have precise hitboxes, is it safe to say that you can now measure exactly when/where your weapon hits an enemy? If so, would it be possible to create realistic battle damage using it? Would be very cool to see your weapon actually slashing the enemy and leaving a mark exactly where it hit them.


Yes, you're right, I have the precise contact point where the collision happened. I think the mod should already improve where the vanilla decals are placed as I'm correcting the hit locations sent to all the various vanilla game functions, but I guess the original decals themselves aren't too detailed. Blood impact particles is something that I'd really like to see improved. I've already made changes to how the impact particle emitter is spawned as it's now attached to the hit bone, instead of being spawned in world space, although you can't see a difference with the current particles as they immediately spawn everything right away instead of over time. I'm definitely open for collaboration with someone talented enough to create the visual effects!


If this is the same as zxlice's "BackStab and Parry" Used together, it will be stuck in place with the opponent after the execution Wondering if I'm the only one having this problem?


Not sure if theres a mod incompatibility but this works for every creature and human but druagrs


Hi Ersh! Just wanted to quickly ask: while dual wielding, if you do a (for example) mainhand power attack, does the offhand weapon get an active hitbox even though it's not swinging? I thought I may have observed that happening in my game, but I could definitely be wrong - just wanted to see if you had any insight.


It all depends on what actual attacks are technically happening. The .toml config file is set up properly, so left handed attacks get a collision on the left weapon, right attacks on the right, and dual attacks get both. But mods replacing dual wield animations were doing whatever they wanted (after all you couldn't tell that anything was wrong previously), and so we have stuff like right hand dual wield attacks looking like dual wield attacks, but getting only the right handed collision. It can (and hopefully will) be easily fixed by adding the new annotations to the animations. I can't do anything more on my side as I have no way of knowing what the animation actually looks like, I only have access to what attack type is playing right now, and like I mentioned, most dual wield movesets currently just fake dual wield attacks.


Hey Ersh! First off AMAZING WORK! You're an absolutely amazing and one of my all time favorite modders. I noticed with attack collision I tend to hit a ton of allies and neutral NPCs. I use Simple Offense Suppression [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41764] to block hitting anything but enemies. Precisions attack collision ignores the hit blocking, so I was curious if you could implement something similar? In large battles I end up pissing off guards, helpful NPCs, and pretty much anything that's not an enemy because swings hit everything around me.

The Old King

I have good news on the unarmed bug I reported previously. I had recently switched back to Skysa to try out some animations and it appears that unarmed fighting works perfectly fine with precision with Skysa, meaning it was either the animations or mco that was causing the problem


Fantastic mod, though I've noticed that standing power attack with right hand doesn't do any damage -it just goes through enemies also no effect on any surface from this particular attack.. I use classic system so its an overhead slash.


Is it conflicting with "retimed hit frames"?


No, it shouldn't have any effect as far as I can tell.

Hưng Trịnh

sadly most of unarmed animations don't work, i'm using MCO


Hi Ersh! Quick question: is there any known reason that with MCO, certain attacks will fail to hit actors, even at point-blank range with the weapon model clearly going through the actor's model? It's not a huge issue as it happens pretty infrequently, but it can be just a bit annoying at times. I'm also using Leanwolf's Better Shaped Weapons, if that's a possible factor.


You could see what's going on by turning on the debug display in MCM. I'm guessing the issues you're seeing happen with dual wield animations, because technically the attacks are just right hand attacks even if the animations look like you're attacking with both (or with the left hand) This is solvable by adding the custom Precision animation events to the animations like I've described in the readme/first post.


I'll definitely look at the debug notifs, good call. Though, I will say, it's actually happening with one-handed setups (like a sword in the right hand and a spell/nothing in the left), not just with dual wield setups. Are there any known conflicts I should be looking out for? Could it maybe be a problem with a collision cooldown put on actors after being hit once (although I don't think that's it, because the cooldown mentioned in the MCM isn't extended to actors iirc)?


So, I think this may actually be a bug with fenix's Combat AI mod (which has it's own implementation for enemy dodging+invinicibility frames that others have noted may be problematic), and not actually Precision's fault! Possibly worth disregarding my initial post if no one else is having this problem and if it isn't reproducible - in which case, sorry for the hassle.