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Hey! The attack trail is now implemented and more or less finished. Feedback welcome!

I have also compiled an AE version of the plugin. Be warned though, it's barely tested.

Please remember to send crash logs if you encounter any crashes. They're incredibly helpful. Attempts to solve all the reported crashes are also included in this update.

The attack trail in this mod is a completely different approach from what you might've seen in other mods. Instead of using the "lag bones" that often move unnaturally, this trail mesh has many bones and acts as a sort of fan that unfolds while attacking. The positions of the trail mesh bones are manually calculated based on the actual weapon positions each frame, and if your framerate is not high enough for the trail to be smooth, the positions in between are interpolated.

The trail lifetime and the amount of segments per second are configurable in the MCM. The default values should work fine however.

Attack trail meshes from other mods won't work. This one is made from scratch and structured completely differently.

The trail effect mesh is made by NickNak. It might still receive some tweaks down the road.

I'm planning to add some sort of system in the future where different trails are used for attacks made with a burning or freezing weapon, etc.





I love you.


Found a bug. The newest trail bone (or the closest bone next to the weapon) is glitched. Its extended longer the the actual weapon distant on the first frame (or the first trail segment.) You can see it with sgtm 0.1 command. I guess its something about the interpolation, cuz the previous segment is missing as its the first one but what do i know.


I've noticed that too (it's much more visible with some animations than with others), I'll have to investigate. The bone closest to the weapon is indeed not interpolated but is set to the actual weapon location, so it is a bit different code-wise, hopefully I just made a simple mistake somewhere.

Anthony Meo

Not sure if this is a bug but my weapons seem to hit everything - Im standing in an open area and weapon swings hit the ground, even with camera pitched upward. Also weapons are hitting things around my character ~2x sword lengths away. I have everything set as default and on a new save etc...Also - i get multiple hits on one swing hitting "nothing"


The collision is a bit longer than the weapon by default, you can tweak it in the MCM. It does indeed often hit the ground during some animations, I'm wondering what's the best way to handle this. I might end up using two colliders, or maybe a separate distance check for non-actor collisions.

Anthony Meo

Also - separately - I am getting CTD when I turn debug on - cant get back in so am trying to remove and re-add precision now


Oh no, I thought I've fixed that crash already. Please upload a crash log. You have to delete the .ini generated by MCM Helper in Data\MCM\Settings to revert to default settings


On vanilla + SkyUI + MCM helper everything seems to be working fine. Been trying this version for two days with my modlist and the game keeps crashing after 20 minutes or so, without a crashlog. The game stutters, freezes and then crashes. I doesn't matter what I am doing, standing still, exploring etc. I am using this on a large modlist, so I guess some interaction with another plugin/mod is causing the issue. When I start a new game with my mods it crashes too without a crashlog, which is weird. Anyway, as soon as I find out what plugin is causing the crashes I'll report back. If I ever find it haha.


As other person reported, I have random CTD as well. There is no crash log too. I tested previous precision with the same modlist and it is stable. I am on SE and tried both with and without TK Dodge options, but the same result. It would be difficult to narrow down what's the issue without crash log, but I will try to find it out by disabling my mod separately.


Hmm if you're not getting crash logs, do you mean freezes then (like the previous freeze when hitting destroyable objects) instead of the usual crashes?


do you have a modlist somewhere online so I can compare it with mine?. Maybe we have something common installed that could cause this. Here's mine: https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/lotd


I got some random ctd too, not during swing. and no crash log.


I'm encountering CTDs with no logs like the previous 2 people have mentioned. My experience is pretty much in line with theirs; my game stutters and then crashes instead of just an instantaneous crash. As for when it occurs, mine occurs fairly early unlike the 20 minutes the first person mentioned. It seems to be random and can occur while doing any activity even if it isn't combat related. Now for speculation. I observed through my crashes that mine typically occur during areas that are densely packed with npcs. Or at the very least the crashes occur much earlier in said areas. I will do further testing to test my theory and try to see if there is a pattern to the crashes even if it seems random.


Ah, so not really collision related then? There's no combat happening and the game bugs out? Seems like I managed to create a memory leak. Yeah, it is. Compiling the fix now, it was basically a dumb typo.

Blake Sokoloff

I seem to be having similar crashes! If I am in a cave or skyrim wilds i can mess about for 15ish minutes but if I am in a city or town it seems to happen much faster. Combat does not seem to be the issue as i can fight small battles with no issue!

Naotenho nome

Ah I came here to check if it was just me but guess it isnt, my crashes are exactly the same as described by DuskRavenX and others. Stutter (music stutters too) , back to normal for a second, crash with no log, all within 3-4 seconds or so


Lol you work fast. I went to go eat before I ran the tests I wanted to and you figured it out before I got back.