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This week, we've got loads of cool System Neutral resources for GMs running adventures in a haunted or abandoned house. You'll also find attached to this post your complimentary copes of GM’s Monthly Miscellany: October2026. As it's a free book, OBS won't let me send out codes for free downloads--hence it's attachment below.

Thank you all for your continued support, which is allowing us to grow while providing excellent wages for our freelancers. I'm particularly delighted we can now offer more to our artists and cartographers and I'm very grateful for everyone who chimed in on the stat block vs. art question I posed on Tuesday. I'm surprised art "won" so comprehensively, but I'll certainly be adding more art into our 2017 products (a schedule for which I'm plotting and planning this weekend).

In any event, on with the show!

20 Things #7: Haunted House

Are you a busy GM? Does session prep take too long? Do you never have time to work on the cool little details that can bring your session to life? Well fear not! That’s where the 20 Things line comes in. Compiled from the free 20 Things posts available at Raging Swan’s website, this short, focused compilation gives you, the time-crunched GM, the tools to effortlessly add verisimilitude and detail to your adventure. Use the material herein either before or during play and bask in your players’ adulation. This instalment provides eleven tables designed to help you to flesh out and bring to life haunted house.

GM's Monthly Miscellany: October2016

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez and Eric Hindley

Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press’s newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton’s on-going design of the megadungeon Gloamhold, the GM’s Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM.

Where's My Other Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for 20 Things #7: Haunted House. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you.


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