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This week, we've been busy crafting lots of cool new resources for your gaming pleasure. Tomorrow, I'm going to have fun writing "10 Lingering Side Effects of Being Dominated by an Aboleth" specially for several of the players in my Shattered Star campaign because they just survived a rather close call with such an ancient abomination. I hope you'll be able to find a use for the article in your own campaign soon! I'm sure your players will thanks me for extra awesome level of detail and verisimilitude...

And, of course, thank you for your continuing support. I was delighted to hit our milestone for increasing our artists' pay rates and I can't wait to push onto our next target. I hoping to get there by the end of the year!

So, without further ado, on with the gaming resources. I hope you find them useful and that they add extra awesomeness to your game. See you on Friday for Village Backdrop: Y'taris.

10 Suspiciously Detailed Treasure Chests

There are few things adventurers like finding more than a treasure chest. Most such chests are—of course—locked. Many are trapped. The most commonly trapped kind of treasure chest is one that has a detailed description. Read article.

10 Quirks for Magic Weapons

Almost every adventurer wants a magic weapon—even a monk or wizard often coverts a magical dagger as a backup weapon (after all, it’s very hard to flurry of blows or magic missile your way out of an entrapping net!) Read article

Gelatinous Cube Ahoy!

Gelatinous cubes are one of my favourite D&D monsters. They’re iconic, they’re fun and they’re (sort of) deadly! That’s why I was delighted over the weekend to receive Matt Morrow’s latest art turnover. Read Article and marvel at Matt's artwork that will be appearing in the Gloamhold Campaign Guide.


Free Resources

As well as many free products, Raging Swan Press releases weekly free articles on a wide range of subjects. A comprehensive list of such free articles and products appear below. Web Articles Print these articles out and stick them in your GM's folder; you never know when they might come in handy!


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