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It's been a busy week here at Raging Swan and we've got a ton of updated for you! But first, a question:

I've also got a question for you, if you've got a moment to leave a comment below. When looking at a backdrop-style product--say a Village Backdrop or Places of Power what's more important to you: stat blocks or original art? As I'm looking at converting some of our older Backdrops to 5e (and pondering the course of the line in 2017) I'm wondering if nice original artwork showing a view of the village (or whatever) is more important than a stat block. Please let me know, in the comments below!


Yesterday, I posted an update to my Gloamhold progress including a new location: The Flaming Lady and details of a new monster: the sinkweb. I hope you enjoy it. As part of my writing schedule, I'm managing to set aside some decent time for Gloamhold writing, so expect to see more updates like this in the future as I fill out the content for the Gloamhold Campaign Guide.

Into the Hills & Mountains

This collection of three posts provides some handy resources for GMs running an adventure in a hill or mountain range. Read more...

20 Rumours About a Graveyard

If you've got an adventure set in a graveyard, this collection of 20 rumours by Alex Riggs is sure to bring it to life. Read more.

20 Strange Mausoleums

Staying in the graveyard, Alex Riggs brings us 20 noteworthy mausoleums for the PCs to spot (and possibly explore) in a graveyard. Read more.

First Look

Yesterday, we posted up Places of Power: Tumblestone Inn by Creighton Broadhurst. Out in November, if you need somewhere mercenaries hang out, this is the (isolated) inn for you! Check it out!


Raging Swan Press

This week, Raging Swan Press has released two new products for your gaming pleasure. For Pathfinder GMs we have the derro village of Flenheim while for 5e GMs we've got 25 new treasure hoards for ultra high level play. Free samples are available for both books, so check them out!


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