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I really like the title of this post. 

Today, you get your hands on--Wilderness Dressing: Swamps for 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1. It features another glorious full-page piece of artwork by Matt Morrow. 

But, onto more important things:

The Quest for Convenience 

Last week, I tried a new way of getting you your books, and it's blindingly obvious you didn't like it! So, I'll be moving back to the old system and retroactively issuing codes for last week's books.

Part of the reason I tried something different last week was that I have started a new epic quest to make our books more convenient, easy to access and easy to use. (You can see another element of this quest in the appearance of the one-pager line.)

I have fully embraced my hatred of adverts and unnecessary clutter as another part of this quest. I realised late last month you don’t need a book’s cover or adverts. Covers and adverts exist to lure more GMs into the Swan’s fell embrace. Neither adds anything to your game. (And, anyway, you are already doomed as you are reading this).

Therefore, behold:

Raging Swan Press, Unplugged

Unplugged editions are a Patreon exclusive; they will never be available for sale on DriveThruRPG. (But you will get them via DriveThruRPG).

An Unplugged edition of a book comprises only the essential components you need to augment your game with flavoursome details; we remove all the bumf—the covers and the adverts—leaving just the “raw” material. This makes the book:

  • Quicker, easier and cheaper to print
  • Quicker and easier to navigate
  • Quicker to port between devices

Your downloads will now contain three PDFs: the Unplugged edition, the print-ready edition and the screen-optimised edition. You’ll also get the .txt versions of supported lines for your VTT games. (And I'm hoping to expand our .txt offering in the future).

Back to DriveThruRPG

From today, we’ll return to fulfilling rewards through DriveThruRPG. By the time you read this, patrons at the $2 and up levels should have two emails from me.

  • The first email contains the download codes for 20 Things #72: Urban Oddities and Monstrous Lair #25: Scrag’s Lair, which we released last week. (As an aside, I accidentally released Scrag’s Lair a week early—my apologies!)
  • The second email contains the download codes for Wilderness Dressing: Swamps.

Ratings & Reviews

And another advantage for you: because Unplugged editions will never be available for sale to the public, I can stop pestering you for reviews and ratings! Reviewing or rating them is pointless; no one will ever see them. (But if you want to leave a rating or review let me know, and I’ll send you a comp. copy of the public release).


I cannot provide download codes for the one-pagers we have started releasing as they are free books. You’ll find those files attached to this post just like the exclusive mini-eventures.

What do you think about our new Unplugged editions? Love them? Hate them? Think they are pointless? Let me know in the comments.


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