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Strange things can happen in the dungeon or the wilderness. Strange things can also happen in the town. Communities have strange laws, customs and festivals. What better way to add depth and flavour to a village, town or city? Make your characters’ next visit to a village, town or city a memorable one!

Behold (once you’ve downloaded it): 20 Things #72: Urban Oddities and a remastered Monstrous Lair and a remastered 20 Things!

Edit: And I've just realized there is no reason not to upload the first two one-pagers here as well. Enjoy!

And--obviously--all the books this week are free to you as a thank you for your awesome support. We couldn't do what we do without you.

Where’s My Stuff—A Change of Plan

For May, I’m going to try something new.

Previously, we’ve given you your books through DriveThruRPG. Every week, though, it seems a small number of patrons have trouble accessing their books. Either the link doesn’t work or they don’t receive the email containing the download links. This is less than agreeable.

So for May, I’m going to fulfil rewards direct on Patreon. You’ll find the relevant files directly attached to this post. Just download, and go!

I’d be jolly keen to get your feedback on this change. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Let me know, in the comments below.

Thank You

All the books this week are free to you as a thank you for your awesome support. We couldn't do what we do without you. Thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press in 2022. I hope you like this week’s books and that you can use them to have more gaming fun with your chums.

Finally, it should come as no surprise at all that Everything is Better with Tentacles—including strange things lurking I’m the towns and cities of your campaign…


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