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What Ho All!

Thanks very much for all your feedback about our upcoming System Neutral Edition products and your thoughts on how they should (or should not) affect our Patreon campaign. I’m still pondering my master strategy, so if you have any more thoughts on the matter now’s the time to share them.

As always, this week we released two new “20 Things” articles:

I hope you enjoy them. Don’t forget, if you’d like a specific topic covered for your campaign, just drop a suggestion in the comments below and I’ll see what I can do.

Our $10 patrons should already have the PDFs of these articles in their inboxes. If you’d like weekly PDFs of our “20 Things” articles (and a signed copy of GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things) please consider modifying your pledge.

20 Things Next Year

GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things releases at the end of March and it will include all the "20 Things” articles released up to the end of this year. In January, I’ll start releasing the articles for GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things II. I think you’ll see a pattern forming...

I’m considering a slight change to the "20 Things” format for next year. I’m planning to keep one of the articles in the same vein as those this year. The other, I'm thinking of focusing on treasure. I think it would be rather handy to have a physical description of 20 magic rings, 20 magic wands and so on. (I know as a GM I’d find such a resource jolly handy and a great way of breathing flavour into the campaign.) What do you think? Would you find them useful?

Thank You!

Thank you everyone for your continued support. We’ve only got one more product to release in 2015—it feels odd to say that—and then we are done for the year. I decided to take two weeks off over Christmas and New Year and not to release any new products during those two weeks. I’ll still be blogging—of course—and I’ll post details here every week. Normal service will be resumed at the beginning of January. (And if you are wondering what our Pathfinder release schedule looks like for January/February they are now live here).

Have a super weekend, everyone.


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