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The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed some recent changes to Raging Swan Press's website and I thought I’d drop you a line to explain them.


I’ve simplified the top-level navigation for the site and added in some dropdown menus, to make it easier to find what you are after.

I’ve also added a huge Archive of Everything to the sidebar so if you are interested in a specific category of product you can quickly and easily see everything that’s available.

New Products!

As I’ve been alluding to for some time, 2016 will be a year of change for Raging Swan Press. Over the past year, I’ve had loads of requests and/or suggestions to widen Raging Swan’s appeal. It seems like on a weekly basis I get emails that start something like, “I love your products, but I don’t play Pathfinder…"

Well, I’ve been listening. Next year, in January, we are going to start releasing System Neutral Editions of some of our products. These books will be essentially the same as our current offerings, but they have all the Pathfinder mechanics stripped out. Currently, we’ll be focusing mainly on I Loot the Body style supplements along with Campaign Events and some reworking of old classic releases. I’d love to get into System Neutral Editions of Village Backdrops, but they’ll have to wait until later in the year.


What I haven’t decided yet is how these changes will affect this Patreon.

I’d be interested to get your thoughts on this subject. For example, should I start a new Patreon for our System Neutral Editions or simply wrap the products into the higher reward tiers? What works best for you? Are you interested in these products or not?

Please let me know your thoughts, as I need to make a decision soon.

Finally, as always, thanks very much for your support. 2015 has been a fantastic year; 2016 will be even better!


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