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A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible GM’s Resource by Daron Woodson

Not all dungeons feature the traditional setup of a monster-filled subterranean network of rooms and passages. Druidic groves, haunted houses, rank sewers and more can all serve as an exciting backdrop to the PCs’ adventures. Such locations present their own set of unique design challenges, though, for the time-crunched GM plotting the next adventure.

This instalment of Alternate Dungeons presents loads of great details, hints and tips for a GM designing an adventure set in a frigid ice cave. Designed to save a GM’s time while adding flavoursome details to bring the locale alive in the player’s minds, Alternate Dungeons: Frigid Ice Cave is an essential tool in any GM’s arsenal.

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.


Alternate Dungeons: Frigid Ice Caves is our last product of 2015. I think its our 67th! It's been a busy year.

Thank you for all your support, advice and feedback over the year. As we hurtle toward 2016, I know Raging Swan Press is in a much stronger position because of you. 

Of course, you haven't heard the last from me this year. You'll still be seeing "20 Things" posts and I've got some more minor news I'll be sharing with you toward the end of the year. 

But until then, good gaming!


Alternate Dungeon: Frigid Ice Cave

Inhospitable, remote, beautiful and mysterious, glacial caves and icy cavern networks comprise the only natural shelters in most frozen northlands. It's no wonder explorers are drawn to such sites when many such places have never been glimpsed by a living person. But wonder and mystery aren't all that await adventurers in such isolated locales; natural [...]


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