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A lot of the news over the last few weeks and months has—quite frankly—sucked. The Coronavirus pandemic rumbles on. Millions of people have lost their jobs, millions more have been ill or confined to their home for weeks on end. Others are suffering serious hardship for a whole variety of pandemic-related reasons. Like I said earlier, a lot of the recent news sucks.   

I’ve been a tad frustrated, because Raging Swan Press is not an emergency service. There’s not a lot we can really do to help. My medical skills are lacking (unless the fix involves a plaster and/or bourbon), and I don’t have a ton of PPE I can donate to a worthy cause. 

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t try to make things just a little bit better, and that’s where you come in. 

Do you know a GM who is having a particularly hard time at the moment? Alternatively, do you know a GM who is always going above and beyond to make other people’s gaming lives better?

If you do, I’d love to hear from you. Tell me a bit about the GM, and why Raging Swan Press should brighten their day.  

I’ve got one $50 gift voucher (or five $20 vouchers depending on how many of you nominate a GM) for the Raging Swan Press store with their name on it. There’s no catch. There’s no purchase required—they don’t have to be a member of the Patreon campaign, a Raging Swan customer or anything like that. I just want to brighten their day a bit. 

So, if you know a GM who could do with a spot of good news drop me a line and tell me a bit about them. You’ve got until Sunday!

Thanks for reading (and helping).



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