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This week’s release—Village Backdrop: Rifthammer—has a long (mostly hidden) history with Raging Swan Press. Originally only available as bonus material for GM’s Miscellany: Village Backdrop II (a Pathfinder 1st edition supplement) the place once again came to the fore of my mind when a patron mentioned he didn’t have a copy of the village. 

Truth be told, I’d somewhat forgotten about Rifthammer, but having read it again I realised Robert’s village was such a great base for desert adventures that it should be updated and expanded. This week’s release is the result. I hope you like it. In particular, if you fancy designing a megadungeon in the middle of a desert, Rifthammer is the place for you!

(And a close reading of the text will uncover a link to Village Backdrop: Farrav’n by Mike Welham).


Nestled in a twisting ravine amid the Luminous Desert’s endless windblown dunes, Rifthammer is home to a desert-dwelling tribe of dwarves. Hidden in the cool shadows of their cliff-side home, these reclusive folk offer peaceful seclusion for those seeking refuge from the desert's relentless heat, or simply the troubles of the wider world. However, not all is as idyllic as Rifthammer’s dwarven masters pretend, and a festering ruin of otherworldly creatures in the darkest recesses of the rift threatens all who reside above.

Rifthammer can serve as a base of operations for adventurers looking to explore the surrounding Luminous Desert, or as a jumping-off point for subterranean adventures in the ruins of an ancient city that long ago collapsed into the rift's lightless depths.

A Village Backdrop by Robert Brookes with material by Mike Welham and updated by Creighton Broadhurst 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Rifthammers maps--both tagged and untagged--are attached to this post; please download them with my compliments. 

Thank You (and Welcome)

Welcome to the new folk who have joined us this week—Minibit X, Douglas C Ward, Bruce Glithero, Retired Android, Renee Haggerty and Max Wolpert. I’m delighted you have decided to join us and I hope you get great use out of the books you get through the campaign. If you have any questions about Raging Swan Press or the Patreon campaign please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

And—as always—thank you for supporting Raging Swan Press. Your support means the world to me and is instrumental in both keeping the lights on at Global HQ and producing the supplements we all use to build awesome campaigns. 

Thank you.


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